Siri Galliano

Siri GallianoSiri Galliano Is one of the leading Pilates Trainers in North America and Europe and is a protégé of Romana Kryzanowska, the Master Pilates teacher who was trained by Joe Pilates. Famed for getting tangible results, she is one of the most sought-after experts on Pilates Method. Ms. Galliano has traveled the world helping to sculpt the bodies of celebrity clients such as Madonna, Sting, and Uma.

PILATES121 στον Τύπο

momy magazineευεξία magazineMadame Figaro magazine


Διάσημοι είπαν


Madonna“I used to be a freak about doing yoga, but I had to do a lot of Pilates to rehabilitate my shoulder joint and get the use of my arm back”


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Παναγής Κουταλιανός

Παναγής Κουταλιανός

Ο θρυλικός πρόγονος της Βίκης, Παναγής Κουταλιανός, ήταν γνωστός για την υπερφυσική του δύναμη.
