Siri Galliano Is one of the leading Pilates Trainers in North America and Europe and is a protégé of Romana Kryzanowska, the Master Pilates teacher who was trained by Joe Pilates. Famed for getting tangible results, she is one of the most sought-after experts on Pilates Method. Ms. Galliano has traveled the world helping to sculpt the bodies of celebrity clients such as Madonna, Sting, and Uma.
“I used to be a freak about doing yoga, but I had to do a lot of Pilates to rehabilitate my shoulder joint and get the use of my arm back”
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Ο θρυλικός πρόγονος της Βίκης, Παναγής Κουταλιανός, ήταν γνωστός για την υπερφυσική του δύναμη.